Prof. Dr. Renate König

Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl):

Koenig R, Commandeur U, Loss S, Beier C, Kaufmann A, Lesemann DE.: Beet soil-borne virus RNA 2: similarities and dissimilarities to the coat protein gene-carrying RNAs of other furoviruses (J Gen Virol. 1997 Feb;78 ( Pt 2):469-77)

Koenig R, Loss S.: Beet soil-borne virus RNA 1: genetic analysis enabled by a starting sequence generated with primers to highly conserved helicase-encoding domains (J Gen Virol. 1997 Dec;78 ( Pt 12):3161-5)

Koenig R, Pleij CW, Huth W: Molecular characterization of a new furovirus mainly infecting rye (Arch Virol. 1999;144(11):2125-40)

Koenig R, Huth W: Soil-borne rye mosaic and European wheat mosaic virus: two names for a furovirus with variable genome properties which is widely distributed in several cereal crops in Europe (Arch Virol. 2000;145(4):689-97) - mit mir in der Danksagung

Koenig R, Bergstrom GC, Gray SM, Loss S.: A New York isolate of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus differs considerably from the Nebraska type strain in the nucleotide sequences of various coding regions but not in the deduced amino acid sequences
(Arch Virol. 2002 Mar;147(3):617-25)

Koenig R, Buttner G.: Strategies for the detection of potential beet necrotic yellow vein virus genome recombinations which might arise as a result of growing A type coat protein gene-expressing sugarbeets in soil containing B type virus. (Transgenic Res. 2004 Feb;13(1):21-8)

Koenig R, Pleij CW, Loss S, Burgermeister W, Aust H, Schiemann J.: Molecular characterisation of potexviruses isolated from three different genera in the family Cactaceae (Arch Virol. 2004 May;149(5):903-14.)

Koenig R, Barends S, Gultyaev AP, Lesemann DE, Vetten HJ, Loss S, Pleij CW.: Nemesia ring necrosis virus: a new tymovirus with a genomic RNA having a histidylatable tobamovirus-like 3' end (J Gen Virol. 2005 Jun;86(Pt 6):1827-33.)

Koenig R, Pleij CW, Lesemann DE, Loss S, Vetten HJ.: Molecular characterization of isolates of anagyris vein yellowing virus, plantago mottle virus and scrophularia mottle virus -- comparison of various approaches for tymovirus classification (Arch Virol. 2005 Nov;150(11):2325-38)

Koenig R, Lesemann DE, Loss S, Engelmann J, Commandeur U, Deml G, Schiemann J, Aust H, Burgermeister W.: Zygocactus virus X-based expression vectors and formation of rod-shaped virus-like particles in plants by the expressed coat proteins of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (J Gen Virol. 2006 Feb;87(Pt 2):439-43)
