Prof. Dr. Renate König
Koenig R,
Commandeur U, Loss S, Beier C, Kaufmann A, Lesemann DE.: Beet soil-borne virus RNA 2: similarities and
dissimilarities to the coat protein gene-carrying RNAs of other
furoviruses (J Gen Virol.
1997 Feb;78 ( Pt 2):469-77)
Koenig R, Loss S.: Beet
soil-borne virus RNA 1: genetic analysis enabled by a starting sequence
generated with primers to highly conserved helicase-encoding domains
(J Gen Virol. 1997 Dec;78 ( Pt 12):3161-5)
Koenig R,
Pleij CW, Huth W: Molecular characterization of a new furovirus
mainly infecting rye (Arch
Virol. 1999;144(11):2125-40)
R, Huth W: Soil-borne
rye mosaic and European wheat mosaic virus: two names for a furovirus
with variable genome properties which is widely distributed in several
cereal crops in Europe (Arch Virol.
2000;145(4):689-97) - mit mir in der Danksagung
R, Bergstrom GC, Gray SM, Loss S.: A
New York isolate of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus differs considerably
from the Nebraska type strain in the nucleotide sequences of various
coding regions but not in the deduced amino acid sequences
Virol. 2002 Mar;147(3):617-25)
R, Buttner G.: Strategies
for the detection of potential beet necrotic yellow vein virus genome
recombinations which might arise as a result of growing A type coat
protein gene-expressing sugarbeets in soil containing B type virus.
(Transgenic Res. 2004 Feb;13(1):21-8)
Koenig R,
Pleij CW, Loss S, Burgermeister W, Aust H, Schiemann J.: Molecular characterisation of potexviruses
isolated from three different genera in the family Cactaceae
(Arch Virol. 2004 May;149(5):903-14.)
Koenig R,
Barends S, Gultyaev AP, Lesemann DE, Vetten HJ, Loss S, Pleij CW.: Nemesia ring necrosis virus: a new tymovirus
with a genomic RNA having a histidylatable tobamovirus-like 3' end
(J Gen Virol. 2005 Jun;86(Pt 6):1827-33.)
Koenig R,
Pleij CW, Lesemann DE, Loss S, Vetten HJ.: Molecular
characterization of isolates of anagyris vein yellowing virus, plantago
mottle virus and scrophularia mottle virus -- comparison of various
approaches for tymovirus classification (Arch Virol. 2005
Koenig R, Lesemann DE, Loss S,
Engelmann J, Commandeur U, Deml G, Schiemann J, Aust H, Burgermeister
W.: Zygocactus
virus X-based expression vectors and formation of rod-shaped virus-like
particles in plants by the expressed coat proteins of Beet necrotic
yellow vein virus and Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (J Gen
Virol. 2006 Feb;87(Pt 2):439-43)